The truth is that the same chronologists the WBTS adhere to for the year 539BCE for the fall of Babylon are the same chronologists they disregard for the year of Jerusalem's fall. There are many secular business records of the time that point to 587BCE and also astronomical data which can't be fudged also points to 587. If 607 is right then all the other cuniforms and tablets found with dates intact for accession years, battles etc must be wrong? (the tablet the WBTS rely on has the date part missing)
It's also true that the WBTS changed it's own dates from 606BCE to 607BCE when it realized 606 didn't fit it's own erroneous chronology for the gentile times. If you take a closer look at the chronology of the 3 1/2 times from 1914 to the time of various members of the GB being imprisoned then that doesn't fit either. But that's another subject.